1125 Linda Vista Dr., Ste. 102
San Marcos, CA 92078

Chiropractors San Marcos CA Feature Numerous Strategies for Treatment of Back Discomfort

Chiropractors San Marcos CA Feature Numerous Strategies for Treatment of Back Discomfort


San Marcos CA Doctor of Chiropractic Minimizes Back Problems


We take extra pride in helping patients relieve their back pain. We have developed many strategies which work in unison to help relieve your pain. The treatments to relieve back pain will focus on several factors which cause back pain. One of the single greatest factors which cause back pain is an injury to the disc.


Any of the many tissues of the body in the lower back can result in back pain however the pain itself is either from direct damage to the nerves in the tissue or inflammation causing nerve irritation. Our San Marcos California chiropractors strategy will first be to understand what anatomy is involved in the lesion. The therapy of choice may focus on one of many factors such as reducing the pain signal, reducing the inflammation or relieving the muscle related pain.


One of the most common therapies our chiropractors in San Marcos California use to relieve back pain is call electrical muscle stimulation therapy or EMS. Muscle stimulation treatment is often used as a combined form of therapy for the relief of back pain. The therapy is very effective when used as a nerve block or for the reduction of the pain signal. Another benefit to using muscle stimulation therapy for the relief of back pain is for reducing inflammation. Inflammation and the inflammatory process will naturally cause in imbalance in the intracellular fluid irritating the pain receptors of the nerves. The combination of pulsed electrical muscle stimulation therapy along with proper pad placement can significantly help in the reduction of inflammation and therefore pain.


A therapy often overlooked which is very beneficial and used in our San Marcos CA chiropractic practice is a ice pack. The cold pack when used properly can be very effective in reducing the pain signal from back pain. The ice pack or cold pack has two benefits in minimizing low back pain. The two ways ice packs help in the reduction of pain are to reduce the transmission of the nerve or pain signal and to constrict the tissue thereby reducing inflammation. By reducing the nerve conduction velocity it helps to reduce the pain signal. By reducing the inflammation it helps decrease the fluid in the tissues which are irritants to the nerves causing back pain.


Our chiropractors in San Marcos California may also Consider using a treatment called interferential current. Interferential current has been use for years on athletes for the reduction of nerve and muscle related pain. The mild form of current that is used with the interferential current is applied to the painful area in a square crossing pattern. The combination of pad placement and modulated current work in unison for the reduction of back pain.


A different form of treatment to relieve back and leg pain by our San Marcos CA chiropractors is peripheral neurological facilitation. This is a manual form of treatment which uses the nervous system reflexes to inhibit the pain signal This form of treatment is a method of tricking the nervous system into relaxing and thereby reducing the pain signal. The reason for this is so the opposing muscle group is not contracting at the same time which will cause an injury. Peripheral neurological facilitation can be very helpful in reducing back pain especially when the pain is from a contracted muscle.